Astronomy History

An Ancient 2,000 year Old Astronomy Computer

March 30, 2013 James Miller 0

The most famous ancient mechanical astronomical device yet found originates from ancient Greece around 150 BCE and is known as the Antikythera mechanism. Prior to its discovery in 1901, historical accounts of such mechanical technology […]

glass lenses
Astronomy History

Ancient Telescopes And Lenses

November 29, 2012 James Miller 0

Over the years archaeologists have been discovering greater numbers of ancient lenses, and historians finding more and more references to their use in ancient times. It is therefore inevitable that scientists would ask whether these […]

History of Astronomy
Astronomy History

History of Astronomy

November 23, 2012 James Miller 0

Ancient civilizations believed their gods lived in the skies, and so early astronomy was often a mix of detailed observations of the celestial heavens and religion. As well as a method of trying to divine […]

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