The Night Sky This Month: June 2019
The June Solstice occurs at 15:54 UTC, on the 21st of June. At this time, the Sun will be directly above the Tropic of Cancer, which signifies the first day of summer in the northern […]
The June Solstice occurs at 15:54 UTC, on the 21st of June. At this time, the Sun will be directly above the Tropic of Cancer, which signifies the first day of summer in the northern […]
Northern circumpolar constellations, such as Auriga, Cassiopeia, Perseus, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor, can be seen in the night sky throughout the year. Meanwhile, other constellations are seasonal, and visible only at certain times of […]
Asteroid 99942 Apophis will pass within 19,000 miles of the Earth’s surface on April 13, 2029, which is closer than some satellites currently orbiting our planet. Furthermore, the huge 1,500 feet long and 550 feet […]
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