10 Interesting Facts about Red Giant Stars
While red giant stars are among the biggest stars in the Universe, they were not born that way. Red giants are for the most part normal main-sequence stars that have exhausted their supply of hydrogen, […]
While red giant stars are among the biggest stars in the Universe, they were not born that way. Red giants are for the most part normal main-sequence stars that have exhausted their supply of hydrogen, […]
The Summer Triangle, whose brightest stars mark out the constellations of Cygnus, Aquila, and Lyra, continues to dominate the night sky in August, and in the northern hemisphere appears virtually overhead near midnight, with an […]
Yellow dwarf stars are not true dwarf stars, at least not in the sense that red or white dwarf stars are dwarfs. Often used imprecisely, if not erroneously, the term “yellow dwarf” refers to stars […]
White dwarf stars are believed to represent the final evolutionary stage of stars that are not massive enough to end their lives in super or hypernovae events. Also known as “degenerate stars,” white dwarfs consist […]
Unlike most other classes of stars that have clear and unambiguous classification standards, red dwarf stars fall into a wide variety of masses, luminosities, and spectra that have thus far eluded proper stellar classification. In […]
Astronomers searching for new exoplanets have instead accidental discovered a star so diminutive that if it were any smaller it would have had insufficient mass to fuse hydrogen into helium at its core, and transformed […]
Halley’s Comet, also designated 1P/Halley as it was the first comet to be recognized as periodic, is the only comet that is known to be visible without optical aid during each apparition, which occurs once […]
Albireo (Beta Cygni) is a beautiful double system in the constellation Cygnus that consists of a bright yellow star (Albireo Aa) and a slightly dimmer blue star companion (Albireo B) which together mark the beak […]
Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis) is a massive B-type blue supergiant star found in the Belt of Orion. With an average apparent visual magnitude of +1.69, it is the 4th brightest star in the constellation, the 29th […]
Alnitak (Zeta Orionis) is a blue supergiant star in the Orion constellation, and forms part of the Hunter’s Belt along with the stars Alnilam and Mintaka. It is also the brightest O-type star in the […]
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