Constellation Microscopium
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Microscopium

April 22, 2017 James Miller 0

Microscopium (“microscope”) is a small southern hemisphere constellation that was created by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 1750s after visiting South Africa. Its brightest star, Gamma Microscopii, is a yellow giant situated […]

Telescopium Constellation
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Telescopium

April 21, 2017 James Miller 0

Telescopium (“telescope”) is a small, faint southern sky constellation that was devised by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille following his expedition to South Africa (1751-53). He named it in honor of the scientific instrument that […]

Triangulum Australe
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Triangulum Australe

April 20, 2017 James Miller 0

Triangulum Australe (“the southern triangle”) is a small southern sky constellation that was one of 12 invented by astronomer Petrus Plancius around 1597 based upon the observations of Dutch explorer Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser. Its three […]

Norma Constellation Facts
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Norma

April 19, 2017 James Miller 0

Norma is a small, faint southern sky constellation that was one of 14 introduced by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille following his expedition to South Africa from 1751-53. It represents a draughtsman’s level or […]

Regulus (α Leonis)

Star Facts: Regulus

April 19, 2017 James Miller 0

Regulus (Alpha Leonis), meaning “Prince” or “Little King” in Latin, is the brightest star in the constellation Leo, and the 21st brightest star in the entire sky. It is actually a four star system made […]

Altair (Alpha Aquilae)

Star Facts: Altair

April 18, 2017 James Miller 0

Altair (Alpha Aquilae) is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, and the 12th most luminous in the entire night sky. Although the star has been in the human consciousness since ancient Babylonian and Sumerian […]

Scutum Constellation
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Scutum

April 18, 2017 James Miller 0

Scutum (“the shield”) is an extremely small, faint southern sky constellation that was devised by Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in 1684 to commemorate King John III Sobieski’s victory at the Battle of Vienna against the […]

Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Pavo

April 17, 2017 James Miller 0

Pavo (“the peacock”) is one of 12 southern sky constellations devised by Petrus Plancius in the 16th century based upon the observations of Dutch explorers visiting the East Indies . Fortunately, it is neither as […]

Constellation Horologium
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Horologium

April 14, 2017 James Miller 0

Horologium (“the clock”) is a small, dim southern constellation that is one of fourteen invented by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the mid-18th century. The brightest star in this pendulum clock-shaped constellation is […]

Caelum constellation
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Caelum

April 13, 2017 James Miller 0

Caelum (“the chisel”) is one of the smallest, faintest constellations in the night sky, and is one of 14 southern constellations invented by French astronomer Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the mid-18th century. Its […]

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