
Star Facts: Fomalhaut

April 29, 2017 James Miller 0

Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini) is the most luminous star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus (Southern Fish), and the 18th brightest in the entire night sky. Like the star Vega, Fomalhaut emits an excess of infrared […]

Deneb (Alpha Cygni)

Star Facts: Deneb

April 28, 2017 James Miller 0

Deneb (Alpha Cygni) is the most luminous star in the constellation Cygnus, and with an apparent magnitude of +1.25, it is the 19th most luminous star in the entire night sky. The star forms one […]


Star Facts: Hadar

April 27, 2017 James Miller 0

Hadar (Beta Centauri) is a triple star system whose combined visual magnitude of +0.61 makes it the second-most luminous star in constellation of Centaurus, and the 11th most luminous stars in the entire sky. It […]


Star Facts: Pollux

April 26, 2017 James Miller 0

Pollux is the brightest star in the constellation Gemini, and the 17th brightest in the entire night sky. However, contrary to convention, Pollux bears the designation Beta Geminorum, which by rights should apply to Castor […]

Corona Borealis
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Corona Borealis

April 25, 2017 James Miller 0

Corona Borealis (“the northern crown”) is a small but recognizable horseshoe shaped constellation that is found in a relatively empty part of northern sky. It is said to represent the crown of Ariadne, a princess […]

Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Corona Australis

April 24, 2017 James Miller 0

Corona Australis (“the southern crown”) is the southern sky’s counterpart to Corona Borealis (“the northern crown”), and despite being rather small and faint, it is nonetheless a rather beautiful constellation on account of its distinctive […]

Piscis Austrinus
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Piscis Austrinus

April 24, 2017 James Miller 0

Piscis Austrinus (“the southern fish”) was known to the ancients and is said to represent the parent of the pair of fish associated with the zodiacal constellation of Pisces. The brightest star in this southern […]

Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Sextans

April 23, 2017 James Miller 0

Sextans (“the Sextant”) is an extremely faint southern hemisphere constellation that was created by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in 1687. It is found close to the celestial equator, with its brightest star, Alpha Sextantis, […]

Constellation Chamaeleon
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Chamaeleon

April 22, 2017 James Miller 0

Chamaeleon (“the chameleon”) is a small, dim southern constellation that like its namesake is difficult to find. It was devised by astronomer Petrus Plancius based upon the observations of Dutch navigators, with its brightest star, […]

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