grayscale photography of analog pocket watch
Sci-Film Reviews

About Time (2013)

September 30, 2016 James Miller 2

About Time (2013) is a coming-of-age romcom about young love that by the end of its entertaining 123 minute run time matures into something older and wiser. It’s not your typical romantic tale, though, and […]

Night Sky 2
Night Sky

The Night Sky This Month: October 2016

September 29, 2016 James Miller 1

Constellations In the early evening, the bright red supergiant star of Arcturus in Bootes presents a beautiful sight in the western sky, while a little later the star fields associated with Sagittarius and Scorpius will […]

Donnie Darko
Sci-Film Reviews

Donnie Darko (2001)

September 28, 2016 James Miller 0

Every star in the world had to start somewhere, be it in some low-budget horror movie like Jennifer Aniston (Leprachaun) or some tiny indie movie that no one’s ever really heard of outside of Sundance […]

worm hole, space, science
Sci-Film Reviews

ARQ (2016) Explained

September 18, 2016 James Miller 16

The following is an in-depth explanation of the plot of ARQ, a science fiction movie that was directed by Tony Elliott, and was released on Netflix in September 2016. Needless to say, this article is […]

time, watch, timepiece
Sci-Film Reviews

The Final Countdown (1980)

September 17, 2016 James Miller 1

There are lots of stories about time travel dealing with people wanting to change the past so that they can produce a better future. However, the message often portrayed in time travel movies is that […]

butterfly effect movie
Sci-Film Reviews

The Butterfly Effect (2004)

September 16, 2016 James Miller 0

Ashton Kutcher was a name everyone was painfully all too familiar with at one point, with his role as Michael Kelsoon on “That 70’s Show” making him the prime candidate for lowbrow comedies. These usually […]

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