Camelopardalis constellation
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Camelopardalis

July 22, 2016 James Miller 0

Camelopardalis is one of several constellations created by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in the 17th century for the sole purpose of filling gaps in the sky left blank by Greek astronomers. The word “Camelopardalis” […]

Star Constellation Facts: Leo Minor
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Leo Minor

July 15, 2016 James Miller 0

While the Greek astronomers Ptolemy and Aratus considered the region now occupied by Leo Minor to be empty, or at least, not organized into a recognizable pattern, the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius thought otherwise. Therefore, […]

Star Constellation Facts: Triangulum
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Triangulum

July 15, 2016 James Miller 0

Triangulum was known to the ancient Babylonians as long ago as 1000 BC, and by 150 AD. the Greco-Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy cataloged it as one of the 48 known constellations at that time. While to […]

Star Constellation Facts: Corvus
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Corvus

July 12, 2016 James Miller 0

Corvus is the 70th largest of the 88 constellations, and consists of 4 main stars which form a quadrangle in the night sky, the brightest of which is a blue-white giant of 2.59 magnitude called […]