Witch Head Nebula and Rigel

Star Facts: Rigel

February 9, 2016 James Miller 0

Orion is the most easily recognized constellation in the sky, which is no doubt due to its distinctive configuration, and the fact its constituent stars are very luminous. In fact, it includes two of the […]

Arcturus (Alpha Bootis)

Star Facts: Arcturus

February 8, 2016 James Miller 0

Arcturus is an orange giant star located 37 light years away in the Boötes constellation, with its apparent magnitude of -0.05 making it the 4th brightest star in the night sky. Its name, meaning “Guardian […]

Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Monoceros

February 7, 2016 James Miller 0

Monoceros (“The Unicorn”) is a faint northern sky constellation that lies on the celestial equator, and can be seen by observers located between +75° and -90° of latitude. It is the 35th largest constellation, but […]

Lepus Constellations
Star Constellations

Star Constellation Facts: Lepus

February 6, 2016 James Miller 0

The name “Lepus” derives from the Latin word for “hare”, and although there are no myths associated with this constellation, it is often depicted on old charts as a hare being chased by the dogs […]

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