Patrick Moore

Future Of The Sky At Night Secure For Now

October 30, 2013 James Miller 0

As well as astronomy being the oldest known science, UK astronomy programme ‘The Sky At Night‘ also held the distinction of being the the world’s longest-running TV series with the same original presenter. However, the […]

Earth from Space

Sir Patrick Moore’s Legacy At Stake

October 1, 2013 James Miller 1

Sir Patrick Moore CBE was an English astronomer who attained prominence as a writer, researcher, and presenter of ‘The Sky At Night,’ the world’s longest-running television series with the same original presenter. Now, however, Moore’s […]

Voyager 1

Voyager 1: 36 Years And 25bn Kms Later

September 8, 2013 James Miller 3

Voyager 1 and its twin probe Voyager 2 were launched back in 1977 with their mission objective to explore the outer planets Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. After the Voyager program’s primary mission was completed […]


British UFO X-Files Released By MoD

June 25, 2013 James Miller 0

After almost 60 years of diligently recording reports of UFOs and flying saucers, Britain’s UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) eventually decided to shut down its UFO desk and hotline in 2009, concluding that the £44,000 […]

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